Sarah and Chris’s Natural Birth Story

October 05, 2022

As suspected, she did follow in the footsteps of her big brother and make her appearance into the world in record time, I woke to some surges starting at 3.45am, we made it to the hospital at 5.10am and she was here by 6.19am.

The speed of her arrival meant we did need to be transferred to consultant led ward but we had no drugs or intervention so couldn’t have asked for more. We were also able to get home within 6 hours in time to give Jack his lunch which was just amazing.

We really do believe that practicing hypnobirthing really put us in a positive frame of mind ahead of her arrival, and helped us get to full term this time (I was actually 5 days late!)

Is Hypnobirthing effective?

Yes Hypnobirthing is SO effective! Read the many positive birth stories and experiences of BirthBalm couples that I have taught over the years since I first staring teaching Hypnobirthing in 2009.

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