Birth Stories

Vaginal Breech Birth

Baby Eloise’s Vaginal Breech Birth
Baby Eloise was born on Wednesday after being in pre-labour for two days. I was getting worked up and felt like labour would never happen, I needed to reset! So I sat down and listened to my birth affirmations and MP3’s on repeat for several hours whilst the surges...
Maxine and Humphrey’s Vaginal Breech Birth, Baby Wilfred.
It was an incredibly short, but intense labour and Maxine was incredible throughout. She went into the early stages at about 6:45pm on the Friday night, but we went out for a Thai that night anyway. We then went home and stayed up until about 12pm, before I put her to...
Maxine and Humphrey’s birth Story
First Baby. Vaginal breech birth, baby Wilfred. It was an incredibly short, but intense labour and Max was incredible throughout. She went into the early stages at about 6:45pm on the Friday night, but we went out for a Thai that night anyway. We then went home and...