I gave birth to Hugo by emergency C-Section, 13 days after my due date and he weighed a whopping 10lbs 8oz and was 57cm long!!
The hypnobirthing really helped Klas and I keep calm and manage the surges through a very long labour.
The midwife said that she had never seen someone so calm and quiet, and so we told her it was hypnobirthing!
At the end (after almost 3 hours of involuntary pushing and unsuccessful attempts with the ventouse) it was decided that Hugo needed to come out via C-Section. As, he wasn’t at the right angle to come out vaginally and was too big to try to move into the right position.
The great thing was that he stayed healthy throughout and so did I, despite being very tired in the end. Now I’m on the road to recovery and we’re getting to know one another as a new family, which is very exciting (& tiring too!)
Anyway thank you again for all your help and guidance, we definitely couldn’t have had such a positive birth experience without you.