I wanted to say thanks to hypnobirthing I felt so in control of my body and mind in the hours before active labour and even right in the midst of it. For that I will be forever thankful to the wise hippo programme.
On Monday morning I woke up and knew I felt different and my surges were coming but very mildly ( period like pains) but were on and off all day. Things had ramped up as I had 6 surges on my 20 min walk so I rang the MLU who said it’s time to come in.
So off we went and I still felt so calm , listened to the mp3’s in the car enroute. As expected things stopped in the car. They let us into a delivery suite with a pool where we relaxed listening to mp3s and I bounced on my ball. I was managing it all really well , too well in fact the midwives suggested we go home as i was only 2cm dilated by 7pm.
Things ramped up big time as soon as I walked in our back door. I had a bath lit some candles etc. The surges were coming thick and fast. I put my Tens machine on for the journey back in which was amazing. Then I experienced fear as my surges ramped up massively and my waters broke in the car along with my tens machine running out of battery. I found myself still counting and this helped me focus somewhat. We got to Lister and at this stage I honestly thought I was going to deliver her in the car park. We managed to get in and would u believe the lift was broken?. I never ran so fast up those stairs in between surges ha.
We got inside the delivery suite and I knew I was fully dilated. I was on all fours for a bit still using hypnobirthing techniques which helped. The pool was then ready. I got in and I think it was around 4 pushes and she was here, safely and absolutely perfect. I only suffered a minor tear too. I felt like wonder woman. It was honestly the best experience albeit scary at times. But without hypnobirthing skills it could have been a different story.
So thank you Louise for all your help with educating us as a couple. We worked brilliantly together.