As suspected, she did follow in the footsteps of her big brother and make her appearance into the world in record time. I woke to some surges starting at 3.45am, we made it to the hospital at 5.10am and she was here by 6.19am. The speed of her arrival meant we did...
Birth Stories
Natural Birth
Sarah & Jonathan’s Natural Birth Story.
Our birth experience was everything we wanted it to be even though there was the odd twist and turn … I was very focused on using all of the tips you had shared to avoid an induction wherever possible. In the lead up to week 40, I had been having my six dates a day...
Katherine and Rich’s VBAC Hypnobirth
VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-Section) The hypnobirthing massively helped in preparing for my VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-Section). In the final month I had no anxiety at all. On my birthing day Hypnobirthing helped hugely with decision making and information...
Laura and Tom’s HypnoBirth Story
I had a long latent labour of 48 hours which included being turned away twice from the hospital (!) But, when my waters finally broke and we were admitted to Barnet Midwife Led Unit, Sebastian came along after just over an hour in the birth pool. Complete with the...
Lauren and Ben’s Hypnobirth, First Baby
Lauren had a sweep done by the Midwife, and went in to labour at about 1am. The day was a blur but after going in to the hospital with around 4 60 second surges every 10 mins, Lauren was somehow only 3cm dilated. The 3cm really threw Lauren and at that stage, her...
Mandy’s Hypnobirth (First Baby)
On Monday morning I woke up and knew I felt different; my surges were coming, but very mildly (period like pains) but were on and off all day. I had 6 surges on my 20 min walk so I rang the MLU who said it's time to come in. So off we went and I still felt so calm,...