I went exactly a week overdue, which was amusing as I was so convinced she was going to be early. The end of my pregnancy was probably the most relaxed part, spent meeting friends, eating lots of cake and being really active right up until the day.
I went to bed on the Sunday night, fell asleep instantly and then woke up to twinges at around midnight. I got up and pottered around thinking it would pass, but by 2am I’d realised it wasn’t passing and instead becoming much more of a pattern. We used all the tips of staying relaxed, we lit candles whilst drinking tea and watched some light reality tv, before showering and preparing to go to the hospital at around 7am.
I was 5cm on arrival, so was able to go straight to a delivery room, and managed to have a pool.
I found that the water was the only pain relief I needed, and if I wasn’t in the pool, I was standing in the shower – seems odd, but at the time going between the two whilst eating wine gums was very logical.
I spent all the time using my breathing techniques, and counting a lot!! 7-11 was all that was going on in my head.
The midwives were fab and kept asking how I was in so much control, I honestly believe it was all down to counting and concentrating on the numbers, knowing that the surges would pass.
In the end baby needed a little help coming into the world (ventouse). We were super relaxed about it all though.
Weighing 8lb 4!
I would definitely say I had such a positive birth. I’ve actually said I enjoyed it, which I never thought I’d say!
It was empowering, and amazing. Not scary and painful like I initially thought before your classes. More people need to know that there is nothing to fear about birth at all.
Thank you so much for your classes. I will be recommending them to any pregnant ladies I come across.