As a couple who attended your group Hypnobirthing course in St Albans, we cannot thank you enough for the materials / tools we received, the skills developed, the support provided, and the placenta encapsulation that helped us prepare for and deliver our daughter. The classes were super friendly, comfortable, and informative.
Ada arrived at 41+5 weeks on Mother’s Day (what a gift!) with my super independent midwifery team and highly supportive partner. She was born at home in a water pool and in caul (which reduced the GBS risk!) but due to my rare bi-lobed placenta only half came out at home, the other had to be removed at hospital under spinal block and I lost a fair amount of blood, although this was anticipated as a risk. It was the best birth possible on the day and the placenta capsules helped my recovery.
Labour started and ramped up quickly and the breathing and Hypnobirthing skills helped me remain calm and manage the surges.
I had listened to all the MP3’s daily and definitely loved the 5-4-3-2-1 tool to help relax the body, and it was super empowering to know I had a range of tools to to use to get me through all the stages of labour. When being transferred to hospital everyone thought I was losing consciousness but I was just doing my Hypnobirthing breathing and going to my happy place! During the whole birth (and in the weeks after) the MP3’s were playing to help us all keep calm and it really helped me withdraw to my ‘primate’ state and let my body do what it needed to do, as a consequence labour was reasonably short for a first time baby!
My 3 main benefits of Hypnobirthing are:
1) Tools: Hypnobirthing provides numerous tools and a way of thinking that is essential to maximise breathing through the surges, keeping calm and relaxed, and having confidence. It really is mind over matter. The MP3’s are brilliant and a pleasure to listen to and skills that now learnt will help in life generally.
2) Partner roles: The course was great in highlighting the role partners can make, giving them ideas on how to best support the mother and giving them a clearly integrated role. The tasks encouraged discussions and preparing the birth preferences together, alongside mock run throughs of the birth.
3) Information: The classes provide great opportunities to meet others, make new friends, share ideas and recommendations. Also the accompanying book provides a wealth of information in a concise easy to read manner that enables informed decisions, especially if things don’t go to plan!
Thanks Louise, you and the team have been amazing and we would highly recommend you to any expecting parents!