Helen and Baz’s Home birth story

October 05, 2022

Baz and I had the most incredible experience bringing our lovely little boy (Sacha) into this world.

Going back to the beginning first though, my decision to have a home birth was slightly out of character for me. I’ve always been quite conventional sticking to the ‘norm’ but I also know myself and realised being at home I would be more comfortable, relaxed and liked the idea of having dedicated midwife care too. The more I read, the more it confirmed that home birth with hypnobirthing and a birthing pool was right for us.

Fast forward and my due date came and went so I decided to book a reflexology appointment for two days later. It was lovely and relaxing but I didn’t feel any signs labour was beginning. That evening we had dinner at 21.00 and rather than flop in front of the TV I had a bath after which Baz gave me a relaxing back massage. Again, I didn’t feel anything was happening and I was just getting into bed and my waters broke with a pop!
It was about 22.40.

The more I read, the more it confirmed that home birth with hypnobirthing and a birthing pool was right for us.

From then on it’s all a big of blur, the surges came on strong and fast. I was upright and forward against the bed with the TENS machine on but struggled to get control of my breathing initially, my legs were shaking like crazy. Baz started filling the pool but there was no hot water given my earlier bath so he was busy with kettle relays downstairs. When he came up to check on me I knew we needed to call the midwives as I felt ready to push. The hospital sent an ambulance and two midwives, the ambulance arrived first and seeing that we’d planned a home birth they checked me over and just waited until the midwives arrived to check I was ok to progress at home. I was offered gas and air but it dried out my mouth too much. The midwives arrived and confirmed all was fine so the paramedics left us to it. Phew! I was examined and 9cm already.

The pool was now ready and the second I got in the water I felt such relief, it was bliss, I could lean against the sides being fully supported without my legs shaking. My breathing was under control, Baz was holding my hands and all I could hear was the sound of the trickling water in our pond outside (it was a hot evening so the window was open.) There was a brief stinging sensation as he crowned but it was manageable. I didn’t realise he was actually born until the midwife told me to reach down and lift him out.

That was so special just to hold him sitting in the water. Sacha was born at 01.36, I still can’t believe it was so quick! Baz cut the cord after it went white and I had a natural third stage too. After all the checks (thankfully I didn’t need any stitches) we went upstairs to bed at 04.30 as a family of three! I woke at 06.30 thinking it had been a dream we’d had our baby.

Thank you so much for all the advice and tips, it wouldn’t have been so smooth without all your knowledge.
Many people have commented how well I look so I would recommend placenta encapsulation too.

Is Hypnobirthing effective?

Yes Hypnobirthing is SO effective! Read the many positive birth stories and experiences of BirthBalm couples that I have taught over the years since I first staring teaching Hypnobirthing in 2009.

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