First Baby. Vaginal breech birth, baby Wilfred.
It was an incredibly short, but intense labour and Max was incredible throughout. She went into the early stages at about 6:45pm on the Friday night, but we went out for a Thai that night anyway. We then went home and stayed up til about 12pm, before I put her to bed and she slept a little, before getting up at about 2am. Things were getting a bit more intense, but she came back to bed until getting up for good at about 4:15am and transferring to the sofa.
We called the midwife at about 5:45am – she was getting much stronger surges, but they weren’t regular or consistent, and they recommended we stayed at home if we felt comfortable with this. At 6:30am her waters broke and her surges suddenly increased in intensity and she started to get the urge to push, which was somewhat alarming. I called the midwife and they said come straight in, but it was a good hour before we managed to actually leave, as by now Max was pretty well on the way and I needed to help her breath through each surge and get her ready for the journey.
We got to Lister hospital at about 7:50am and I had to quickly park the car, after walking her into the MLU. When I got back to her, she was being examined by her midwife who immediately informed us that baby was breech…!
We were completely shocked as we’d been told throughout that he was head down…but undeterred, the midwife said she was ready, and just going to start properly pushing and needed to stand up and crack on. Max did amazingly and without any painkillers or other meds, started pushing. She started at 8:12 and at 8:24, Wilf greeted us!
The midwife was amazing, and the whole emergency crash team who were quickly called in and with us the entire time were lovely. Unfortunately Wilf presented himself with his gentleman’s area first, which took a lot of trauma, and after some lovely first cuddles during the morning, a second paediatrician who took a look at him later in the day said he needed to be emergency transferred to Addenbrookes.
Thankfully no torsion took place, and the surgeons were happy with his progress, and we were discharged at about 8pm on Monday night. We’ve not looked back since! Mummy and baby are doing well and we’re enjoying family time before I go back to work in a week.
Thank you so much for helping us with the hypnobirthing. Max was much more calm and relaxed than I could have hoped for, and the training also made me feel empowered and able to cope with what was quite a traumatic few hours and days.