Hi Louise
We hope you and your family are well.
Just emailing to say that I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Joshua. He weighed 8lbs and is perfect.
Hypnobirthing was amazing and we’re both so pleased we did it. I had a wonderful labour- in the birthing pool. No gas and air or other pain relief- it was incredible. A really beautiful experience. Josh did end up getting stuck so I was rushed to theatre and ended up with emergency forceps- again with no pain relief as his heart rate dropped and there wasn’t time- but I practiced relaxation through the whole thing and managed to push him out in the 3 pushes they allowed (they said an emergency GA if he didn’t come out in those 3 pushes) so I was thrilled. And most importantly, despite what happened, I still look upon the whole experience as incredible and perfect. I’m certain it wouldn’t be like that if I hadn’t practiced hypnobithing.
Thank you so much for all of your help and support. We’ll def be in touch for a refresher for number 2! 🙂
Best wishes
Nicola and Ben